Dirt Road

May of 2020.

In a new home.

I found the beginning of the LA River, in my proverbial back yard.

I walked the whole 50 miles, two miles at a time.

I took pictures,

lots of pictures,

And wrote a story for each section.

Which became: Walking the LA River.

It is available on both my podcast and my YouTube channel.

But I recommend watching it on YouTube, to both listen to the story and watch the photographs.




Walking the LA River: Chapter 4

The LA River goes green. Sort of.

Opens on my Youtube channel.


Walking the LA River: Chapter 3

Not being able to walk next to the LA River.

Opens with my YouTube channel.


Walking the LA River: Chapter 2

Are we embarrassed of the LA River?

Opens with my YouTube channel.


Walking the LA River: Chapter 1

In the beginning there was, probably not the mouth of the LA River.

Opens with my YouTube channel.


Walking the LA River: Introduction

In the beginning, randomly found a river I already knew.

Opens with my YouTube channel. and is also available on my podcast at: Hodomania by Benjamin Simpson